Saturday, June 20, 2009

What to say to your loan mod propect

You're worked hard to generate your loan mod lead, now it's time to see if you can help them. Your loan modification prospect under all sorts of pressure - here's a short video on the right way to speak with them.


  1. Andy love your approach. I've been on your email list for quite some time and I think I possibly met you at a Dan Kennedy event, anyway I'm considering doing loan modifications in CA. and would love to speak with you sometime if possible.

  2. Thanks for the comment, man. I'm on vacation in NY and cell coverage a little spotty. Let's speak the week of July 6th if that works for you.

  3. Thanks Andy, I look forward to talking to you.

  4. I'm not sure why that posted that way. Robert A. Jones is one of my oen names. I llok forward to talking to you. John Bennett 949-400-4500

  5. Don't know what an "oen" name is, but I'll talk to you soon.

    Wait, who should I ask for when I call? Robert? John?

    Looking forward to untangling your multiple personality disorder...:)
