Saturday, July 25, 2009

How a half-crippled, pathetic middle aged guy got 19 loan mod leads in 1 hour while flat on his tush

I blew off my workshop last Wednesday, but it didn't matter. Let me explain.

First, the embarrassing reason I no-showed to a room of 35 plus people was because my friggin' back has been KILLING me this week. I herniated a disk in college (back in '88) doing something incredibly stupid - doing squats with the football team, trying to keep up. (I played basketball but had no business trying to hold my own against those animals.)

So once in a while the injury crops up - hasn't been this bad in years, though.

So I woke up Wednesday, hoping and praying that I'd feel better- i.e., be able to stand like a hominid instead of some kind of hunched creature from a bad sci-fi movie. No dice.

I texted my buddy Marlon who does a lot of processing for my loan mod bidness. I had taught him the workshop presentation a few weeks ago and by this time he had already given two live presentations. A real veteran.

Marlon stepped in at the last minute and came through like a hero - out of the 19 "units" who showed (families - some of which brought multiple guests) - 14 requested an appointment with him and a handful booked him right on the spot.

If I told you that I'd been harassing Marlon for months to do his first workshop it would do it justice - I'd tried all sorts of sensitive, motivational techniques like assaulting his manhood and calling him a "little girl" - politically correct, caring stuff like that.

But finally Marlon relented and embraced my system. He's a reluctant, but powerful, Loan Mod Warrior, gaining strength and confidence every day. Oh, and he's booking appointments with prospects like crazy.

So even though I was stuck at home, lying on my back, the show went on without me and we'll ring the cash register. My lead generation, presentation and post-workshop follow-up all happened without me. That's the pipe dream behind having a system that works even if you're home in the fetal position, sniffling and sucking your thumb like I was last week.

I'm going to beta test this system, The Loan Mod Warrior Battle Plan, next week. Keep your eyes out for an announcement.


  1. Andy, I'm waiting in anticipation. Robin

  2. I appreciate that - not to make an excuse, but I lost a couple of weeks that I had blocked off to get this thing done already...damn back! Give me a few more days....
