Tuesday, July 7, 2009

"Stood up" by my loan mod prospect?!

I'm writing this blog while I wait for my 11:00 loan mod prospect meeting. Since it's 11:44, it's safe to say that she's not showing up. I'm not exactly happy, but am not too bummed out about it since I have another four prospect appointments booked this afternoon. (Murphy's Law being what it is, the last one of the day is never the no-show!)

Here are a couple of key points that come to mind while I'm sulking:
  • This is exactly why I don't make "housecalls" with my loan modification prospects. I make them all come to me. That way, if they no-show, I can still get work done at the office instead of having wasted the time driving all over hot, sweaty South Florida only to find out that they're not interested.
  • No-shows do happen, no matter what precautions you take.
  • Here are some of my typical steps that I take to confirm every loan modification prospect's consultation:
  1. My virtual assistant books the appointment for me.
  2. She sends a confirming email to the prospect immediately.
  3. She calls and emails a confirm 24 hours prior to the appointment. The email contains directions to my office - Lockwood Mortgage Negotiation Services - and a list of items to bring to the appointment.
  4. She logs all this activity on google docs on a tab reserved exclusively for my loan modification prospect appointments.

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